If you work for Pennine Care, you can visit our intranet page here (staff login required).

We celebrate the fact that people speak up and are committed to creating an open, transparent and safe working culture where workers feel able to speak up safely. We know it will help us to improve our services for patients and the working environment for our staff.

Our freedom to speak up guardian provides impartial, confidential advice to colleagues on any aspect of raising or dealing with concerns. They work independently from management, trade unions and HR.

Over the last two years we have seen big improvements: our NHS Staff Survey results and latest speaking up report (page 11) show that our staff feel more confident that average in speaking up. 

Freedom to speak up guardians do not complete investigations or recommend outcomes: this is so that they can remain impartial. We also have speak up ambassadors so that our colleagues can choose from a range of people to seek advice from. They have had extra training on speaking up so that they can provide initial signposting and support.


Please note the contact details below are for our Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, who only our current staff as well as former employees can contact.

If you are a service user and want to reach out to discuss your concerns and issues, please contact our complaints and patient advice and liaison service.

Freedom to speak up guardian:

Kevin Robinson


0161 716 1712


Freedom to speak up ambassadors:

Emma Barnes, head of safeguarding - emma.barnes44@nhs.net

Angela Howarth, head of quality (learning disabilities) - angela.howarth3@nhs.net

Yasmin Khan, transformation programme manager - yasminkhan@nhs.net

Claire Lilley, learning disabilities project manager - clilley@nhs.net

Mags Mays - team leader (24 hour helpline, Forest House) - mmays@nhs.net

Frances Molyneux, head of clinical services contracts - francesmolyneux@nhs.net

Janet O'Mahony, organisational development practitioner - janetomahony@nhs.net

Matt Walsh, network director for nursing, quality and allied health professionals (South) - matt.walsh@nhs.net